OliVAis is a project funded by the 6th call of the Interreg V-A España – Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 Programme. The Project proposes to capitalise results achieved by the TecnOlivo Project, funded by the 1st call of the mentioned Programme. On the one hand, it is proposed to validate models for olive trees’ content estimation of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (p) and potassium (k), assessed by means of the analysis of drone-acquired multiespectral images using artificial intelligence techniques, as well as to improve them using new sensing technologies to make them sensitive to the ten main nutrients. On the other hand, starting from the developed intelligent algorithms able to detect and count olive fruits visible in trees photographed from the ground, it is also aimed at deriving a new generation of algorithms capable of detecting hidden fruit as well, being them able to generate yield estimations in kilograms as well.

Specific Project’s aims
To validate the models, developed during TecnOlivo, for NPK olive-trees’ content estimation, and to develop extended models for the estimation of the complete nutritional profile, this by using drones, hyperspectral images and artificial intelligence.
To develop yield estimation models starting from partial results obtained in TecnOlivo.
Environmental impact decreasing as consequence of olive cultivation, by favouring an optimal usage of water and fertilisers.
Sector competitiveness improving by rationalising the usage of supplies, and also thanks to the development of price strategies enriched with accurate and early yield estimations.

Deliverable 1.1 Report on the results of the models for estimating the nutritional status of olive groves.
Deliverable 1.2 Report on the results of the models for estimating the olive harvest
Deliverable 6.1 Presentation of the corporate image and of the digital dissemination media
Deliverable 6.2 Report on the conclusions of the discussion process on perspectives and transfer.
Deliverable 6.3 Report on the results obtained by the dissemination activities.